Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Welcome to my house!

It never crossed on my mind that someday I will have a blog. Blog requires me to always have two things: time and thoughts.
For me, having blog is kinda waste my time. I don’t think I can regularly post something on my blog. It’s more because I have no time left, even for myself, apalagi to write in the first place. #Lebay.
Having blog burdened me with responsibility. For me, having blog is either big success (the blog will be super inspiring) or sucky failure (the content will be a crappy curhat, irrelevant, and super boring). I can’t do the first one and feel too shallow (but most likely happen) to be trapped on the later. So I decided not to have a blog. I don’t think I’m capable to provide a nice “snack” for people’s mind  J
Couple of times, I’m tickled to have a blog. When I was a ASEAN youth ambassador and I feel obliged to promote ASEAN values and to give “report” on what I have done to Indonesian society (since the money I used was  given by their tax money), I was thinking to have a blog. It also crossed on my mind while I’m chosen as none Jakarta and I feel obliged to promote the tourism potential particularly in Jakarta. But again, it comes to a dead end when my schedule is getting tighter and this plan remains a plan.
Akhirnya, aku tergoda juga to have my blog. And this is it. The reason behind is simply because…. I want to document my journey in life. I realize that not all tweets can be retrieved, not all moments can be put in instagram, not all moments are written on facebook. I need to have a long-lasting way to capture my journey in life, my ups and downs, my closest one, my interaction with other homo sapiens, my work, my interest, etc.
This is a moment that I want to re-feel. Soon, I’m not going to be a single lady any longer. I will have someone who will accompany me, being a partner of my life. It’s magnificent and I want to have every moment of it recorded. The process is unbelievably magical; the steps taken are incredibly sweet. And this is how the blog is all about. It’s me, him and our little journey.
At the end of the day, I (just) realized that I don’t owe anything to other people if they read this blog and feels like this is crap. But I do contribute something if my sharing could be beneficial for them. And as time goes by, technology is advancing and people can filter what they want to read and don’t. They can skip my curhat part and go directly to what they want to know. Simple kok.
I don’t have to please everyone, after all J

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